The Immortal Jellyfish Girl is an organic science fiction play. Wakka Wakka explores the human role and its wild road of denial into the somewhat theoretic, but still more and more probable future.
Far into the future, large parts of the earth’s surface are considered dead zones. Nothing can survive there. Even outside the zones, it is not possible for any life to survive without help. The species are dying out. The total extinction has begun.
But there is hope. In an underground laboratory, in the middle of a dead zone, an old scientist is working on a secret plan to restore the earth’s ecosystems. His daughter “Jellyfish Girl” is the key. But she does not know it herself.
The Immortal Jellyfish Girl is the second part of Wakka Wakkas Animalia triology.
Wakka Wakka is a prize winning theater company based in Oslo and New York. The Immortal Jellyfish Girl is the fifth major co-production with Figurteatret i Nordland. Earlier productions includes: Fabrik (2007), Baby Universe (2010), Saga (2012) and Made in China (2015)
Direction/concept/script/ design: Kirjan Waage and Gwendolyn Warnock Written by Kirjan Waage and Gwendolyn Warnock together with Wakka Wakka company. Performers: Kirjan Waage, Kyra Vandenenden, Lydie Hsia-Yu-Lei Bavoil , François Couder, Olivia Zerph Alexander Burnett Sound/ music: Thor Gunnar Thorvaldson Light: Jan Erik Skarby & Marianne Thallaug Wedset Projection Designs: OBLSK, Tom Gustafson and Cory Krueckeberg, Erato Tzavara. Seams and “Pellementering”: Jack Markussen ved Jack Markussens Pellementmakeri, Vigdis Ludvigsen. Photography: Andy Manjuck. The school performances are in collaboration with DKS